
Portfolio In addition to my passion for photography, I take on website designing, implementation, and graphic designing of websites, marketing materials and print materials. In previous employement, I've also created login screens, access cards, stickers and Flash ads that ran on digital signage screens in addition to whatever may be needed to promote the business, event or product.

After selecting an image below, you may use your keyboard left and right arrows or the scroll wheel of your mouse to look through the gallery. Mobile devices may swipe the images left or right. To hide or show the nav bar, tap the image.

Social Media

Click image to enlarge

Marketing Materials

Click image to enlarge

Logo Designs

Click image to enlarge

Business Cards

Click image to enlarge

Book Designs

Click image to enlarge

One Ordinary Hero
Pooch Town: Z-Dogz of DogTown


Opens in new window.

Eda Lah Photography

Visit website

New WordPress Site

Hospitals Together

Visit website

New WordPress Site


Visit website

Transition of site from ceros.com to WordPress environment

Site design not changed, simply replicated

Santa Monica History Museum

Visit website

NOTE: Site is being maintained by staff member. Many parts have changed from original design, layout and standards.

Redesign using WordPress

Added eCommerce

Rhoda Weiss Consulting Group

Visit website

Redesign - WordPress Site

Pooch Town

Visit website

New site to promote book. Book design, layout and photography by me.

Rooted Rehabilitation

Visit website

New site
Created with WordPress

Roya Adjory Art

Visit website

Created with WordPress

Sing & Speak 4 Kids

Visit website

Created with WordPress

Site has been redesigned since

The Thinking Woman's Guide to Breast Cancer

Visit website

Redesign of Home page and other modifications
Created with WordPress

Janet's Good News

Visit website

Modifications for viewing on mobile devices
Redesign of email blast Newsletter
Created with WordPress

Jane Thomas Press

Visit website

Created using WordPress

Earth Rights Institute

Site no longer exists


Merged content from multiple websites into one
Created using Joomla

Earth Rights Institute - Educational course

Site no longer exists


Site was created using Drupal

Nori's Eco Salon

Visit website
Created using WordPress

Jennifer Lynn Adams - Motivational Speaker

Visit website
Created using Joomla

Site has since been changed

Making Dreams Come True


Created using Joomla

Site has since been changed

Web Ads

Click image to enlarge

Email Blasts

Opens in parent window.

Company Documents

Click image to enlarge

Web Graphics

Click image to enlarge


Click image to enlarge

For Fun - Compositing

Click image to enlarge